Customised In House Training Courses

In House Training Request Form


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We specialise in Fully Customised Training Courses tailored to your unique reuirements.

On-Site training.

Upskill your workforce and Improve Productivity.

Most Popular Courses are:

  • 3 Day Garden Workers Training Course
  • 3 Day Basic Landscape Design & Horticulture
  • 3 Day Advanced Horticultural Course
  • 3 Day Landscape | Installation & Maintenance for Supervisors & Managers Course
  • 3 Day Basic Landscape Design
  • 3 Day Intermediate Landscape Design
  • 3 Day Landscape Quoting

Some of our Customised In-House Courses include:

  • The alien invasive/pest and disease control course
  • Machine operators course
  • Basic Irrigation course


We worked with:

  • Corporate Training
  • Mining Sector
  • Municipalities
  • Public  Works Department
  • Large Corporate Landscaping Companies
  • Professional Landscape Companies
  • Game Reserves
  • Water Boards
  • Hotel Industry
  • Private Schools
  • Eco-Estates