Three Day Garden Workers Training Course


(NQF 119711 / 264241 / 116220 / 264179 / 119703 / 119689 / 72424 / 12623 / 12554 / 119694 / 49668 / 116124 / 12586 / 264236 / 119708)


Price : To be quoted

Enquire about our early Bird Specials
(10% discount for each enrolment thereafter)


3 Day Garden Workers Training Course Duration : 3 Days (08:00 am – 16:30 pm daily)

* Subject to change

Next Scheduled Date : TBC

Location : Durban, Sandton & Cape Town
Enrolment Form : 3 Day Garden Workers Training Course


  • Please complete this form and email us proof of payment.
    We will email you the first part of your course once payment has been made.

  • Banking Details

    Name : J N JONES t/a JPJ Landscapes
    Bank : Nedbank
    Branch : Pinetown
    Type of Account : Cheque
    Account Number : 131 801 3194
    Branch Code : 131826

    Reference Number : Please insert your name
    Please email us your proof of payment
    14 St James,17 Daphne Neal Rd,
    New Germany
    031 705 3582 / 067 193 2047
    [email protected]

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
3 Day Garden Workers Training Course Includes

3 Day Garden Workers Training Course

  • 3- Day Hands-on Training by well-known Horticulturist & Green Industry Trainer – Judy-Panton Jones
  • Course Material & Samples
  • Refreshments & Snacks
  • A light lunch each day (Subject to change)
  • Course Certificates x 2 (Attendance & Course Completion)
Course Objectives

3 Day Garden Workers Training Course Objectives

  • To establish a good understanding of the basic horticultural principles to be used in good gardening techniques.
  • A clear understanding of how plants function i.e. roots, stems, leaves and seeds for propagation.
  • A practical understanding of the soil types in your garden.
  • Understanding the major plant nutrients and how they affect your garden.
  • A clear understanding of the role that insects play in our gardens.
  • Practical tips for developing easy and effective maintenance procedures – yours and clients gardens.
  • Practical plant propagation principles.
3 Day Garden Workers Training Course Day 1

3 Day Garden Workers Training Course Day 1

Introduction to Programme & Course Objectives

Session One:

  • Welcome
  • Introduction
  • Explanation of day’s proceedings, length of sessions etc.
  • Introduction
  • Course objectives
  • Horticultural overview
  • How plants work
  • Roots
  • Stems


Session Two:

  • Leaves
  • Flowers
  • Seeds


Session Three: Propagation methods using the above


3 Day Garden Workers Training Course Day 2

3 Day Garden Workers Training Course Day 2

Session One

  • Garden Soils
  • Compost making
  • Sands, Clays and Loams


Session Two

  • Improve your Soils
  • How to make and use compost.



Session Three

  • Fertilizers
  • Understanding fertilizer formulas
  • The Big 3
  • Fertilizer types
  • Synthetic or Organic what we use
3 Day Garden Workers Training Day 3

3 Day Garden Workers Training Course Day 3

Session One:

  • Pest Diseases and Treatments
  • The integrated pest management system
  • Protecting your plants


Session Two:

  • Common garden pest
  • The Gardener’s Allies
  • Garden Diseases


Session Three:

  • What is a weed
  • Why AIS’s are a problem?
  • Why go indigenous?


Enrolment Notice:
Please complete & return Enrollment form to ensure your booking is secured – seats are limited!


We offer a wide range of courses have a look.

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Contact Numers

084 518 7589 - Judy Panton-Jones

084 518 7589 - Training School Enquiries

031 705 3852 - Office Number

Physical Address:
17 Daphne Neal rd,
New Germany 3631